A few years ago, I was in a pretty serious car accident. During the aftermath, I became really familiar with a lot of different types of lawyers. I worked with personal injury lawyers, insurance lawyers, and many others. Perhaps the most important, though, was the estate planning lawyer. I was really young, and neither my wife or I had thought about starting a will. But the accident kind of scared us into it. What would happen if one of us were to die? Even when still in the hospital, I was working with the lawyer to draw up a will. Now, I have some peace and security about what the future will be like if something should happen to me. And I have a lot of experience working with various types of lawyers! The accident was kind of a blessing in disguise in that way.
If you have been hurt while on the job, you may be eligible for worker's compensation. This will help pay your medical bills and may reimburse you for your lost wages, as well. However, there are certain conditions that apply to receive this assistance. Getting specific answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about worker's compensation can be helpful if you're in this situation.
Question #1: What benefits will be paid?
You may want to know which of your losses will be repaid by worker's compensation if you are injured. It is common for your costs to recover from your accident to be paid, but you may qualify for long-term payments to help with your cost of living while you are unable to work, as well.
Typically, the amount of money you will be able to receive is around two-thirds of your normal salary.
Question #2: What injuries aren't covered?
Not all injuries will be fully covered by worker's compensation, and these are especially true if you are negligent or careless while at work.
Listed below are instances when these benefits won't be paid:
Question #3: Can you visit any doctor for treatment?
Most employers require you visit a doctor or hospital that is listed with this business for providing you with medical care. Employers may work out a special deal with specific providers, and this can save the company a great deal of money over time.
If you want your medical bills to be reimbursed, it's ideal to consult with your employer about where to go for the necessary treatment of your injury.
Question #4: When should your report your accident?
It is important to immediately let your employer know you have been hurt. Don't wait a couple days or even a few hours, but alert your boss to this situation when it happens. This will help you ensure you get compensated by your employer.
Finally, being able to receive the necessary amount of money for your losses because of a work-related injury is important. If you feel you have wrongfully been denied your worker's compensation claim, be sure to consult with an attorney, one like Hooton, Wold & Okrent LLP, who specializes in this specific area for the best results.
Share23 March 2015