A few years ago, I was in a pretty serious car accident. During the aftermath, I became really familiar with a lot of different types of lawyers. I worked with personal injury lawyers, insurance lawyers, and many others. Perhaps the most important, though, was the estate planning lawyer. I was really young, and neither my wife or I had thought about starting a will. But the accident kind of scared us into it. What would happen if one of us were to die? Even when still in the hospital, I was working with the lawyer to draw up a will. Now, I have some peace and security about what the future will be like if something should happen to me. And I have a lot of experience working with various types of lawyers! The accident was kind of a blessing in disguise in that way.
Scaffolding accidents are responsible for thousands of injuries and dozens of death every year. This is a serious problem that requires the attention of every stakeholder in the industry. If you are employed in the construction industry, then there are certain measures that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires your employer to take to prevent scaffolding injuries. However, you also have your part to play; taking these four measures is a good start:
Be Careful With Heating Objects
Some of the materials used to construct a scaffold may be susceptible to heat damage. For example, ropes (both natural and synthetic) may loosen or even break when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, if you are on a scaffold, take care that any heat sources you are using, such as welding tools, do not weaken the structure and cause an accident.
Respect the Load Capacity of the Structure
Each scaffold has a maximum load it can safely bear. Don't put more weight on the scaffold than it can hold; otherwise, it may collapse and cause injuries. For example, if there are already enough workers working on the scaffold, wait for your turn instead of climbing it and adding more weight to the structure. You may be tempted to do this if you are in a hurry, but it is safer to wait.
Keep It Free Of Obstructions
The scaffold should only carry the essential things and people at any particular time. Things such as tools, materials and even debris should be taken off the scaffold when they are not being used. The same is true of those whose work does not require them to be on the scaffold, idlers, or guests; they should not be on the scaffold. Apart from overloading, such things or people may cause obstructions that may cause accidents or prevent safe exit in case of danger.
Inspect Before Use
The last tip is to inspect the scaffold every time you want to use it. Make sure that it satisfies all the safety requirements of which you are aware. This may mean, for example, ensuring that it is standing as upright as it ought to be, it isn't placed near power lines and is not supported by unstable objects such as bricks.
Anytime you suspect that a scaffold is dangerous, inform your employer so that he or she can remedy the situation. If the employer ignores it, then contact OSHA. If you do get injured, it is your right to know who is responsible and to file a workers' compensation claim, personal injury claim, or both. Talk to an employment attorney for more information on how to do this.
Share28 August 2015