2 Things You Should Do To Keep Yourself Emotionally Healthy During A Divorce

Law Blog

 A large percentage of married couples end up divorcing. You probably know someone who is divorced and because you have seen divorce all around, you may think that you know what to expect. However, divorce is much different experienced than it is observed. Here are some things that you should know about getting divorced to keep yourself emotionally healthy. 1. Learn To Get Along With Your Ex This may sound impossible, but you need to learn how to get along with your ex.

29 December 2016

Taking Care Of Yourself During A Divorce

Law Blog

One of the hardest things during a divorce is remembering to take care of your own health. Here are some things that you can do to keep yourself physically and emotionally healthy during this time. Don't Engage in Conflict The first and hardest thing to do is to avoid conflicts with your ex as much as possible. Both people are probably very hurt, no matter who ended the marriage. While you may think you're gaining closure by talking things out during this time, it's often better to let some time pass for both people to process things and be mindful about what they say.

7 December 2016

What Factors Do Judges Look At In Motorcycle Crash Cases?


Whether you are a prosecutor or defendant in a motorcycle crash case, it helps to know what kinds of factors will be considered when deciding what the penalties are. Here are some pieces of evidence that will likely be considered by your court.  Types of Protective Gear Used One thing that will be considered by many judges is whether the motorist was wearing protective gear. A helmet is one of the key pieces of gear that will be considered, and the judge may ask to see the helmet in person to see what kind of damage was done to it.

6 October 2016

5 Things to Do Once Your Divorce Is Finalized

Law Blog

If you are currently in the process of getting divorced, there are some things you will probably need to do when the divorce is finally over. You might not be thinking of these things because your focus might be on adjusting to your new way of life and getting things done that are needed for the actual divorce. As you work through your divorce issues and make the necessary decisions, you should also create a list of things you should do once it is finalized, and here are some of the things your list might include.

6 October 2016

Is Your Spouse Beginning To Suffer The Side Effects Of Agent Orange Exposure? What Are Your Options?

Law Blog

If your spouse did one or more tours of duty in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange (AO), he may be dealing with many of the unfortunate side effects of AO exposure suffered by a number of Vietnam vets — from Hodgkin's disease to Type II diabetes or any of a variety of leukemias and lymphomas. Handling the multiple doctor and specialist visits required to treat these conditions, picking up prescription medications, and coordinating the necessary health insurance payments can seem like a full-time job on top of caring for an ailing spouse.

6 October 2016

Managing Child Custody Issues During The Holidays

Law Blog

A visitation schedule outlines how you can share your child's time with the other parent. However, it may not specify how you are supposed to act in every little imaginary situation. For example, it may be up to you to come up with visitation plans over the holidays to avoid conflicts. The tips below will help you navigate the holidays without requiring court intervention: Define Your Holidays The first step is to define your holidays so that everybody recognizes them.

16 September 2016

Two Options For Handling A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy When The Debtor Dies

Law Blog

Death comes to everyone at one point or another. Unfortunately, sometimes that moment occurs for some people while they are in the midst of a chapter 13 bankruptcy. If your loved one passed away while their chapter 13 case was still active, you may be wondering what to do. Here are two options for handling this situation. Apply for a Hardship Discharge When a bankruptcy petitioner dies during the proceeding, the court's first reaction will typically be to dismiss the case.

29 August 2016

3 Ways An Attorney Can Ensure A Successful Worker's Compensation Claim

Law Blog

If you have ever dealt with the worker's compensation process, you may already know how often claims are denied on the initial application. This can be due to many things, including not having sufficient evidence, not getting paperwork in at the proper time, or not fulfilling other requirements you were not aware of. An attorney can be a great deal of help during the worker's compensation process by ensuring the following:

8 August 2016

Have Joint Custody Of Your Child? Take These Precautions When Planning A Vacation With Them

Law Blog

If you have joint custody, you need to ensure that vacations with your child don't ruin the good relationship you have with the other parent. Careless vacations are the kinds of things that instigate custody modification battles. Here are four precautions to take to ensure that doesn't happen: Inform the Other Parent In Advance Even if you liked taking impromptu vacations before your separation, this is not the time to do it.

27 July 2016

Putative Father Registries: When "Father" Doesn't Mean "Husband"

Law Blog

One of the most difficult situations in the realm of father's rights occurs when the birth couple is unmarried. In these situations, society tends to default to the biological mother for all decisions related to the birth and care of the child. Unfortunately, this can often lead to situations where a child is placed into adoptive homes--often against the will of the biological father. Putative Father Registries exist in most states, and serve to help protect the rights of unmarried fathers in regards to the future care of their child.

3 June 2016